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Sunday Night Theology

Sunday night, April 28, Christ Church West Chester will have speaker Brooks Buser (President of Radius International in San Diego, CA) speaking on “Gospel Clarity and Partnership for the sake of the NationsMost every Christian knows and affirms the mission of the church, found in the Great Commission, especially to those language groups that have never heard. What is often lacking though is the tangible knowledge for how that task is to be accomplished. Who is meant to go? Do we even need “goers” in this day and age? What of those who stay? In the times we find ourselves in there are few topics that evoke more nebulousness than missions. If the people of God are to be about the mission that he left them we must know the goal, and how it is to be carried out. They offer an acapella hymn-sing at 4:45 PM before the message. Childcare is provided. It is a great service for a deeper dive into Scripture. Please reach out to us for more information!

April 23

Hymn Sing at Arcadia

May 19

Youth Group